Why is Business Marketing like James Bond?

I am British, my surname is Bond, and I like to drink vodka martini’s, but that is where my similarity with the super brand of James Bond finishes.

Bond Creative Content LogoHowever, when setting up my marketing consultancy business, Bond Creative Content, I started thinking about the James Bond brand, and how globally recognised it is. We all strive for that level of brand recognition don’t we? It is so well-known around the world, that when I am checking into hotels, boarding planes, or any phone conversation with someone new, my surname always raises a smile and a comment!

Ian Fleming created a character which is now one of the world’s most popular fictional males. Although played by different actors, there are standard traits, like charisma, style and being solitary, that makes him recognisable.

In the same way, a Bond film, one of the world’s most successful franchises, always has similar traits, which made me think about how a marketing strategy is similar. Whilst each must be unique to the business and service or product, there are some consistent themes which are important.

This info-graphic and paragraphs below explains my thoughts on how the two are similar.

Business Marketing vs James BondBuilding the Plot

Bond films are always captivating thrillers with a clear story, told well.

Every business has a unique story to tell, a unique proposition or angle to what they do and how they do it. Great marketing is about how you sell and share that story, to create business growth.

Acquiring a target

Bond always has a target, and will investigate them and their strengths and weaknesses. A marketing strategy must start with identifying who the target customer is, what drives them and makes them buy.

Knowing your mission 

Once Bond has a target, he always has a plan. It’s often a team result, and things don’t always go to plan (!), but he has one before he takes action.
Your business needs a marketing plan, to help develop a structured approach, with considered actions, in order to achieve the goals set out within it.

Using Gadgets 

Not many of us have a Q to teach us about the latest gadgets and how to use them. Bond relies on experts to introduce him to tools and how to use them. Don’t be afraid to use new tools for you own business, to investigate how they work, and surround yourself with experts to help you succeed in your own mission.

Being Consistent 

Anyone who has watched more than one Bond film can spot his famous traits, from only drinking martinis, to the fabulous sports cars and sharp suits. Your brand must be consistent and have a clear identity which is also recognisable over time, just like Bond is. This builds loyalty and a strong following.

Want to know about how to build your brand into a globally recognised name like James Bond? 

Get in touch with us at Bond Creative Content to find out more about our marketing consultancy, which provides short-term or ad-hoc marketing support and writing services.